• Kingston and the sandbanks

    We leave Canada's actual capital to reach his very first: Kingston. In this town was born the first prime minister of Canada: John A. McDonald. We will visit his house but before that: go to the blues festival!


    Before Kingston, we stoped at the 1000 islands. But... points of view are rare and not well fitted out.


    Petit aperçu des 1000 iles      Les 1000 iles


     Arriving at Kingston: first stop Fort Henri but we won't get Inside.


    L'infiltration s'annonce difficile...


    On se contentera des édifices extérieurs      La tour Martello, grand classique de la défense Anglaise


    At the info center, we learn that the Limestone Blues Festival begins that night AND that there is a free movie projection like avery thursday at the market place.


    Festival de blues, Kingston      Kingston

    Balade dans Kingston      Balade dans Kingston


    Like we said before, we visited the house of John A. McDonald. 


    Maison de John A. McDonald, Kingston     


    Leaving Kingston, we choosed to go to the Prince Edward County and do a stop at Sandbanks on the lake Ontario banks. 


    Les Sandbanks : des plages sur le Lac Ontario

    Beach volley aux Sandbanks


    There we met 3 great guys who invited us to play beach volley and one of them let us come to his house in Toronto. He's a big traveler so he knows what it is to be helped and how important is to be able to take a good shower! 



     Don't forget you can enlarge all pictures by clicking.


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